File1, 2, & 3 for ahenn:

File1, 2, & 3 for ahenn:



Some people think there is nothing better than a tree
but then again, most folks aren't dogs
who like trees because that is where they pee!
There are those who don't get the attraction
To the bark and the leaves and the "action"
They're probably cats, or something like that
Or perhaps they just don't know where It's at!
If there's one thing I've learned from this all
It's that trees are almost the best
Not counting, of course, the finest of things,
That wonderful, chaseable BALL!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris
risus tellus, eu rutrum nib aliquam vitae. Pellenteque nec tortor
augue. Quisqui in risus finibus, suscipit tellus vitae, pulvinar
ligula. Quisqui posuere nec tortor augue.
Quisque in risus finibus, suscipit tellus vitae, pulvinar ligula.
Quisque posuere condimentum doolor vel dignissim. Aliquam
scelerisque neque vitae laoreet suscipit. Morbi vitae est id sem
dapibus condimentum. Suspendisse potenti. Duis vel odio ut mauris
tempore posuere vel nec dui. Nullam nulla tellus, luctus a
condimentum in, dictum varius turpis.
In quis elit in neque accumsan efficitur et a urna. Donec et luctus
velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ut accumsan nisi molestie, scelerisque magna sed, pellentesque arcu.
Suspendisse volutpat, odio eget blandit porta, augue libero gravida
valit, non elementum quam erat set dolor. Duis eqet arcu in massa
rhoncus consectetur.


This is the third file. It comes after the first file and the
second file. If there is another file after this it will be
known as the fourth file. Nobody asked for the fourth file though
so that would be one too many.
The login password I got was pretty weak. Only 6 characters.
I guess there isn't too much of value on this server that I
can access with my credentials. Plus I went ahead and changed it.
I wonder what the permissions are set at for the other user directories.
Oh hey, I don't have access. Lol.
I think the grading on quiz 2 was pretty generous which was a nice surprise!
I was feeling pretty stressed about the quiz since I had a couple of tests
on the same day and there was lots of competition for study time. Glad to
see that it went well :)

No lines are longer than 80 characters, TYVM.
Other specified properties aren’t being scored automatically at this time so this is not necessarily good news…

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